25 Recipes for a Very Festive Purim

Purim is coming! Whether you’re looking for a creative gift to include in some mishloach manotmishloach manotמִשְׁלוֹחַ מָנוֹת"Sending of portions" (Hebrew). Baskets of sweets and other foods exchanged among friends on Purim. or you’re looking to treat yourself, we’ve got you covered.

Learn more about the history of hamantaschen in our Hamantaschen Guide, then take your pick between dairy dough and pareve dough, or try our gluten-free dough. Now you're ready to plan the rest of your holiday menu! 



Other Savory Treats

Other Sweet Treats

Looking for cocktails (or mocktails) to round out your menu? We've rounded up recipes for 9 drinks for a spirited Purim. Determine which cocktail resembles who you’d be in the Purim story, or try the whole M’gillah! 

If you haven’t yet mastered the art of folding hamantaschen, check out this easy tutorial, which includes this how-to video from Jewish cooking expert Tina Wasserman. Tell us: What’s your favorite hamantaschen filling?

Tina Wasserman Shows How to Shape Hamantashen

Learn more about the history of Jewish Persian food and find additional Persian recipes.