Rabbi John L. Rosove

Rabbi John L. Rosove is senior rabbi emeritus of Temple Israel of Hollywood in Los Angeles, CA, the immediate past national chair of the Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA), and a co-chair of the Rabbinic and Cantorial Cabinet of J Street. He is the author of Why Judaism Matters: Letters of a Liberal Rabbi to his Children and the Millennial Generation and Why Israel (and its Future) Matters:  Letters of a Liberal Rabbi to his Children and the Millennial Generation.

Preparing for a Jewish Funeral: A Checklist

Rabbi John L. Rosove
Although the most vital tasks and decisions concerning funerals, burial and mourning in the home are made by family members, it's a good idea to recruit friends and non-first-degree relatives to cover other tasks, including the many covered in this list.

When Jews Divorce: What Do We Tell Our Children?

Rabbi John L. Rosove
In consultation with a child development expert and depending on children’s developmental and emotional needs, spouses should agree on how and when they will explain their divorce to their children and how they will relate to their children following the announcement.

When Jews Divorce: Frequently Asked Questions

Rabbi John L. Rosove
Few events in life are as destabilizing, disappointing, painful, or sad as divorce. When a couple marries, neither expects the marriage to end in divorce. Read about the Reform Jewish perspective on legitimate grounds for divorce and answers to your questions about the process.

We Are the Ancestors

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Nancy H. Wiener, D.Min.

Chaim Nachman Bialik (Hebrew poet, 1873-1934) was born and raised in Eastern Europe. A recurrent image in his poems is the krechtz, the "sigh" or groan. He linked its genesis to his earliest childhood memories of his widowed mother.