Rabbi Julie Zupan

Rabbi Julie Zupan (she/her) is the Director of Jewish Engagement and Learning for Congregational Engagement and Leadership Experiences at the Union for Reform Judaism, where her work focuses on supporting newcomers to Judaism and Jewish community. She was ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and is a member of Temple Sinai of Sharon, MA.

What is the Jewish symbolism of the pomegranate?

Rabbi Julie Zupan
The pomegranate is one of the Seven Species mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as being native to the Land of Israel. The seeds of the pomegranate symbolize the 613 mitzvot (sacred obligations) attributed to the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), which form the foundation of traditional

Where can I find the dates of the Jewish holidays for next year?

Rabbi Julie Zupan
If you are planning a simchah (joyous occasion) or significant event and want to find the corresponding date on the Jewish calendar, check out our Jewish Holiday Calendar. To learn more about any individual holiday’s significance and customs, simply click on its name. As Shabbat and all Jewish holidays begin