Rabbi Mary Zamore

Rabbi Mary Zamore's headshot of her smiling in a dark long sleeved shirt.

Rabbi Mary L. Zamore (she/her) is the Executive Director of the Women’s Rabbinic Network. A recipient of WRJ’s Women’s Empowerment Award, Rabbi Zamore has also been named a T’ruah Rabbinic Human Rights Hero. She was a fellow with the Association for Public Religion and Intellectual Life at Auburn Seminary, NYC, studying in the Oppressions and Repair Colloquium. She is the editor of The Sacred Exchange: Creating a Jewish Money Ethic (CCAR Press, 2019) and The Sacred Table: Creating a Jewish Food Ethic (CCAR Press, 2011), designated a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. Ordained by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York in 1997, she proudly served congregations in Central New Jersey for 18 years before joining WRN.

The Mitzvah of Lying

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Dan Moskovitz

In my experience as a living, breathing human being, regardless of gender, age, or orientation there is only one correct answer to the question, “Honey, does this outfit look OK?” The answer comes from the Torah in this week’s portion Vayeira, and is attributed to no greater authority than God: it is to say whatever is necessary to make the person in the outfit feel good about themselves and supported by you. Even if that means you have to lie, it is a mitzvah!

The Sacrifice of Drawing Closer

D'Var Torah By: Dr. Carol Ochs

The portion Tzav in Leviticus describes the rituals of the burnt offering, the meal offering, the reparation offering, and the offering of well-being.

Babel On . . .

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi David Segal

The world's first "skyscraper" was built after the great Flood. All of humanity, unified by a single language, decided to build "a tower that reaches the sky" (Genesis 11:4), known today as the Tower of Babel.

R’eih: Food and Covenant

D'Var Torah By: Shira Milgrom

God blessed the first humans, told them to multiply and increase, and then instructed them: "Look, I have given you all the seed-bearing plants on the face of the earth, and every tree that has in it seed-bearing fruit; these are yours to eat" (Genesis 1:29).

What Kosher Eating Can Teach Us About Healthy Eating

Rabbi Mary Zamore

Many people mistakenly believe that keeping kosher is linked to healthy eating. Clearly, these people have never experienced highly processed, fat-filled delights like kosher chicken nuggets or Bamba.