Rabbi Paul Kipnes

Rabbi Paul Kipnes (he/him/his) is the spiritual leader of Congregation Or Ami in Calabasas, California. He also serves as rabbinic dean at URJ Camp Newman in Santa Rosa, CA. He consults on synagogue disruption and transformation, using his viral articles, Disruptive Judaism: Will Your Synagogue Be Beit Blockbuster or Kehillat Netflix and Synagogue dues are dead: What’s the price point at which quitting the temple is impossible? Rabbi Kipnes and his wife, Michelle November, co-wrote Jewish Spiritual Parenting. He also co-edited a national CCAR Journal issue, "New Visions for Jewish Community." His searing poetry and insightful writings can be viewed at PaulKipnes.com

We’ve Been Here Before: Spiritual Wisdom for Enduring Coronavirus

Rabbi Paul Kipnes

The coronavirus-compelled communal self-quarantine felt vaguely familiar: Here we are bamidbar (back in the wilderness), reliving Numbers, when Miriam becomes infected with a scaly, white, and highly contagious skin condition. But we’ve gotten through it before, and we will now, too.

The Blessing of Dinah

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Rachel Bearman

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Paul Kipnes

In Parashat Vayechi , Jacob blesses his sons as he lies on his deathbed. We note the absence of any blessing for - or mention of - his daughter Dinah.