Rabbi Phyllis Sommer

Rabbi Phyllis Sommer is the director of congregational learning at Am Shalom in Glencoe, IL, who blogs at Ima On and Off the Bima. When her son Sam was diagnosed with cancer at age 6, she also began blogging at Superman Sam.

Stories We Tell: A Drop of Honey

Rabbi Phyllis Sommer
There was once a king and his minister who were eating crackers with honey. When the king spilled a drop, he stopped his minister from cleaning it up, dismissing it as an issue that was not their problem. A surprising chain of events happened, making them – and us - question the nature of responsibility.

Bringing Up Israel: Parenting a New Nation

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Lisa Grushcow

Recently, my daughter and I had an exchange that felt like we were enacting an ancient script between parents and teenagers. It left me wondering where on earth this script comes from, and how I ended up with the parental role.This week’s parashah, B’haalot’cha , provides some answers. God and the people of Israel struggle: the people are tired of manna, yearn for the food of Egypt, and cry out for meat.

Yes, We Still Need an Orange on Our Seder Plate

Rabbi Phyllis Sommer

The orange will remain on my seder plate as a sign that we are always striving to help everyone to feel included, a sign that we are always looking out for those who might not feel that they belong, and a sign that we are full of juicy vitality: always growing, always changing, and always aware, keenly aware, that our history of bondage requires us to tell those stories.

Where I'm From: A Poem on Identity

Rabbi Phyllis Sommer

I am from blintzes, from Crest toothpaste and kippot tucked into a dresser drawer.

I am from no eating in the bedrooms, singing all the time, comfy couches, a grandfather clock on the wall and challah French toast. 

I am from building a sukkah and hoping