Rabbi Robert Orkand

Rabbi Robert Orkand, who retired from the pulpit rabbinate in 2013, lives in the Boston area. He is a past chair of ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America.

What My Parents' Deaths Taught Me About Family

Rabbi Robert Orkand

My mom died on January 24 at the age of 94. Eight weeks, later my dad died. He was 95. They had just celebrated their 73rd anniversary.

My brother the doctor said the cause of my dad’s death was a “medical mystery.” I claim that he died because he willed

Deliberate Destiny

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi David Segal

Different circumstances demand different paradigms of thought and action, and the Jewish people have advanced through history by fulfilling the action demanded by the moment. Even God's promised blessings only are achieved through human agency.

Is it possible to convert to Judaism via the Internet?

Rabbi Leora Kaye
Rabbi Robert Orkand
Rabbi Robert Orkand: Judaism welcomes those wishing to convert, and a great deal of information about Judaism is now available on the Internet, making it a wonderful way to begin learning. Start with ReformJudaism.org's conversion page, which includes a reading list for beginners. However, conversion to Judaism involves time and