Gevurot (Mighty Deeds) in a Time of Pandemic

Source of All Life

Daily Your Jewish Children
Praise You and Your Mighty Deeds

We call you:

Matir Asurim
The One who Releases the Imprisoned

Someich Noflim
The One Who Lifts up the Fallen

Rofei Ha-Cholim
The One Who Heals the Sick

We trust You keep faith with those who sleep in the dust

And now
slumber in the dust of disease, suffering and loss

We sleep in the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Keep faith

Creator of all life
children who are themselves

But ashes and dust
Cry out in praise of life

But our voices are muffled by masks

Do you hear

Keep faith

Many among us are sick
Many among us are imprisoned
Many have fallen…
Into poverty,
Destitution, and despair

Keep faith in You
Keep faith in Us

Our Gevurot
Our Mighty Deeds

Let Us lift up the fallen
Let Us free the captive
Let Us heal the sick

And when we can not

Let Us keep faith

Where there is death
Let us praise


Rav L’Hoshiya
Mighty is Your Salvation
is Our Salvation

Source of All Life

Daily Your Jewish Children
Praise You and Your
Mighty Deeds
and say:

Baruch Atah Adonai
M’Chayei Ha-Meitim

Blessed are you O God
Bring life even where there is death


This prayer was written as part of a collaborative, interfaith project for the International Day of Prayer, organized by the United Church of Christ. Read prayers from other participating clergy.