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Efficacy of Prayer

Prayer is a pathway to God which leads us to feel God's love, Not only in the heavens above but within us and within those about us.

Acknowledging the Difficulty of Prayer

I have always found prayer difficult. So often it seems like a fruitless game of hide-and-seek where we seek and God hides…Yet I cannot leave prayer alone for long.


If you have one hour of air and many hours to go, you must breathe slowly.

A Tree

A tree spoke to me today. Can you see it? A strange sight, Gnarled and twisted by the fury of the winds and sea.

Prayer for Victims of Fire

As we gather this Shabbat, each in our own communities, we are united by the grief and anguish we feel over the destruction of homes and lives by fire this week.

We Cannot Pray to You

We cannot pray to You, O God, to banish war, for You have filled the world with paths to peace, if only we would take them.

Prayer for an Approaching Hurricane

God of the heavens: nature and all that You have created are truly awesome. Often, we; take these wonders for granted. Teach us to cherish all of your gifts