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December Decisions

Julie Unger

December is a tricky month for many interfaith couples and their families. It evokes nostalgic childhood memories and family traditions that are deeply rooted; so you’re bound to have a little conflict. To respect both sides and to minimize conflict, it’s important to discuss the December holiday plans and practices early on in your relationship.

How Donuts Influenced My Judaism

Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE

As I took a short walk last week during a break between Yom Kippur services, a memory, both humorous and deeply emotional, flooded my heart.

I realized that my rebellion against fasting began as a teen.

Sometimes, Words Hurt More than Sticks and Stones

Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr

The old adage “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words shall never hurt me” was first recorded in the 1860s and is something parents have since used to soothe their children’s hurt feelings.

Summer Camp is a Jewish Tradition

Dr. Stuart Rockoff

My wife and I got up early, packed our car with trunks, suitcases, plastic drawers, and sleeping bags, and drove our two daughters to Jewish summer camp. Actually, first we stopped outside the gates to wait in line with a hundred or so other cars.

A Maundy Thursday Seder

Dr. Madelyn Mishkin Katz
My parents raised my brothers and me to have a strong identity as Reform Jews. We were clear about our Jewish ancestry. We fully embraced our connection to and responsibility toward synagogue life. We appreciated all the rituals we celebrated as a Jewish family. At the same time, though, they taught us to not be afraid of "the other"–those of different races, ethnic backgrounds and, especially, different religions. In fact, our respect and appreciation for the "the other" helped to strengthen our identity as Jews. So when it came time for celebrating Pesach, our seder was a perfect reflection of that philosophy.

Hanukkah & Christmas: Can We Celebrate Both?

Annette Powers

For parents of different faiths, December often brings holiday challenges. For divorced parents with joint custody, these challenges can be amplified.

Before we married, my ex-husband and I decided we would have a Jewish home.