Related Blog Posts on Torah Study

One God, No God, Idolatry, and More

Aron Hirt-Manheimer

Scott Shay, entrepreneur, thought leader, Jewish community activist, and author of two books, recently talked with us. Here’s what he said about God, religion, and more.

What Noah and His Ark Taught Me about Being "Good Enough"

C.E. Harrison

When we can’t be Moses or Esther or whomever we want to be like, it’s OK – it’s necessary, even – to be Noah. Being “good enough” may not have the same glamor as leading an entire people to the Promised Land, but do you know what being “good enough” accomplished? In Noah’s case, it meant being trusted by the Holy Blessed One to literally start the entire world from scratch.

Smashing Bottles, Smashing Idols

Aron Hirt-Manheimer

Dr. Ruhama Weiss, a professor at the Reform seminary in Jerusalem, challenge our assumptions as she examines the intersection of ancient texts and human experience.

Hagar's Song: A Poem for Parashat Vayeira

Stacey Zisook Robinson, z"l

As with so much of my writing, I use my poetry to explore our sacred text, to question the actions of our ancestors, and so perhaps find deeper understanding of God, or people, and myself.

The Torah of Flu

Rabbi Ruth Adar

It is a mitzvah to keep our bodies safe. It is a mitzvah to protect the bodies of others.

Why Now? Becoming a Bat Mitzvah at Age 75

Judith Kline Leavitt

Whatever our age, we must never stop learning; the quest for lifelong learning is vital. We can use the knowledge to better ourselves and to understand the world to decide how we must act.