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Pandemic in the Petri Dish of Prison: A Jewish Call for Justice

Rabbi Hilly Haber
Rabbi Rick Jacobs

The Book of Proverbs instructs us to “speak up for those who cannot raise our voices on behalf of the vulnerable and downtrodden.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). The individuals who make up America’s prison population are isolated, vulnerable, and voiceless.

What's Real about a Virtual Shabbat Service?

Howard Richard Debs

Frankly, I was skeptical about attending services online – but it was the occasion of the yahrzeit (anniversary of death) for my wife’s brother, and this was our only option for respecting her wish to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish with our Jewish community.

It's OK to Mourn the Seder That Will Not Be

Margie Bogdanow

During this surreal period, many of us are trying hard to keep sadness and anxiety at bay, and that’s important. It's equally important, though, to remain connected to our feelings. Each of us is giving up so many things this year – and for me, the hardest thing to lose is our Passover seder.