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This Hanukkah (and Beyond), Give the Gift of Life

Rabbi Jason Fenster

 I remembered the lessons from Sunday school about pikuach nefesh. I knew that the obligation to save someone’s life supersedes every other commandment. I knew that if I had the chance to save someone’s life I had to say, “yes.”

All the Things We Can Do With Hope

Evan Traylor

Hope can be too hard to find - but really, those moments are exactly when we need hope the most. As I reflect upon my life, I am struck by this idea of hope, and how it serves as the underpinning of my entire family’s history.

Ask Yourself These "Audaciously Hospitable" Questions During Elul

C.E. Harrison

These questions are intended to honor all of us by helping to identify and acknowledge our missteps so that we may, ultimately, do better going forward. Additionally, celebrating our successes empowers us to move closer to the diverse, equitable, and inclusive communities we seek to build.