Related Blog Posts on COVID-19, Elul, High Holidays, Jewish Rituals and Symbols, Ritual Objects, and Worship

New Fruits and Old Crumbs for Rosh HaShanah

Ellen Zimmerman

My husband and I experimented with a CSA (community-supported agriculture) this year for the first time. It was like getting a surprise box every week. In our second CSA, we pulled out something we’d never seen before.

The next time I Skyped with our

Selichot: A Soft Start Toward Repentance

Audrey Merwin

We're late, so we rush to be in front of another person in line. We speak rudely to a sales caller who is only trying to do her job. We snap at a family member because we're tired.

We've all seen it happen. And sometimes we've made it happen.

The Elul Mitzvah Challenge: Join In!

Rabbi Danny Burkeman

In Pirkei Avot, the rabbis wrote, “Mitzvah goreret mitzvah, averah goreret averah,” one mitzvah (commandment/good deed) leads to another mitzvah, and one transgression leads to another transgression.

Listen: A Prayer for the Sh'ma

Stacey Zisook Robinson, z"l

I was told, once, that if we, as Jews, remember only one prayer, the Sh'ma is that prayer. It defines us in the declaration that God is One. It is a command: "Listen!" It is hope - in unity, in our covenant, with God. I wrote this poem as a tribute to the Sh