
For NFTYites, Social Justice "Simply Feels Right"

TobyCook.jpgToby Cook is the Social Action Vice President of NFTY-OV, the Ohio Valley region of the North American Federation of Temple Youth.

You are walking in a forest path or at a family gathering and suddenly you pause.  You are overtaken by a feeling, you can't

Don't Judge Me

courtdaylogo.pngLast week, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that "the biggest open secret" in the federal case currently being argued in California challenging Proposition 8 is that the judge who is hearing and deciding the case, Vaughn Walker, is gay.

NFTY Tackles Overconsumption & Ethical Eating


Molly Goldberg is the incoming Social Action Vice President of the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY). She is currently the Social Action Vice President of NFTY's Missouri Valley Region.

Nearly 120 NFTYites from across the country gathered last