
Breathe Bravely

Tani Prell
This reflection on the theme of bravery explores the ways that the author's mixedness, Jewishness, and range of emotions are tied to what it means to her to be brave.

Reform Mohalim Discuss Circumcision

Kate Bigam Kaput
North American Reform mohalim are trained and certified by the Brit Milah Board of Reform Judaism and supported by the National Organization of American Mohalim, (NOAM), which works to make the practice of b'rit milahan available, meaningful, and relevant Jewish lifecycle ritual for families.

Eight Jewish Movies and Treats to Enjoy

Wes Hopper
Whether you prefer to watch your movies with a glass of wine, lemonade, or a warm cup of cocoa, you'll love these feel-good Jewish movie and snack pairings guaranteed to lift your spirits at any time of year.

Your Hanukkah Gift-Giving Guide is Here!

Crystal Hill
Hanukkah is one of my favorite holidays, partially because it gives me the opportunity to give gifts to my loved ones every night for eight nights! Gift giving with intentionality is one of my favorite ways to express affection while teaching my child about Jewish values and traditions.