
Hebrew word meaning "catastrophe", referring to the Holocaust.

The year the modern State of Israel was founded. 

A war in Israel fought on June 5-10, 1967 against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Because of the Six-Day War, Jerusalem was reunified and Jews gained access to the Western Wall. Israel also took control of the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the Sinai Peninsula.

"Spain." Refers to Jews (S'faradim) from Spain, Portugal, Holland, and Turkey and around the Mediterranean Sea.

The third meal eaten on Shabbat. Typically, a light meal eaten in the late afternoon or early evening just before sunset.

During the Pesach (Passover) seder, karpas (greens) dipped in salt water is eaten as a reminder of both the hope of rebirth and the tears the Israelites cried during their enslavement. 

Individual who is given the honor of holding the baby during the bris ceremony.

Individual given the honor of holding the baby during the b’rit milah; sometimes translated as “godfather,” although there is no such role in Judaism; Often a grandfather or older relative but need not be.

"Order;" ritual dinner that includes the retelling of the story of the Israelite's Exodus from Egypt; plural: s'darim.

Literally, “the order of the Torah reading.” The section of the worship service in which the Torah scroll is read. Reading of the Torah scroll occurs in synagogue on Monday and Thursday mornings, on Shabbat morning and afternoons, and on all Jewish holidays. In some Reform congregations, the Torah also is read at services on Friday evenings.