Torah Commentary

Torah Commentary

Nice to Meet You, Eternal One

We imagine relationship building as something that happens between two people. However, relationships are diverse, and these principles can be applied to other situations as well. One such situation is the relationship between God and humanity. Our Passover Torah reading allows us to witness Moses yearning to build a relationship with God.

Strong Voices

Over the past weeks and months, we've witnessed a horrific rise of antisemitism that leaves us feeling vulnerable and afraid. We're hyper focused on the use of words, often weapons of hate. Parashat Tazria reminds us to be deliberate with our words and ensure they are used with care.

Drawing Too Close?

Often, we are unaware of and surprised by social norms - the "dos and don'ts." We simply conform, but it can be meaningful to reflect on these practices and potentially innovate with care. Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu, learn this lesson the hard way in Parashat Sh'mini.

Who’s Afraid of the Dark?

Parashat Tzav speaks to the historic nature of light and fire as a source of solace. In the Torah, this is a physical flame; the experience is intended to offer thanks or atonement, in other words, to connect with the Eternal from a place of humility. In modernity, this burning flame takes on both physical and spiritual forms.