Jewish History

Chocolate Outs Jews on Yom Kippur

Rabbi Deborah R. Prinz
Crypto-Jews living in Mexico in the 17th century, under the surveillance of the Inquisition, developed sticky subterfuges to avoid being outed for their undercover Jewish practices, including those that related to chocolate drinking.

Remembering Names in the Vilna Ghetto

Ellen Cassedy

Will a neglected building in the old Vilna ghetto become a place that helps to open minds and hearts?

A group of young Lithuanians is trying to make that happen.

One recent afternoon, a crew equipped with brooms and flashlights made its way into a derelict

What's Wrong With Ethnic Jokes?

Rabbi Kari Tuling

When I was an undergraduate, I spent a semester abroad in Germany. I was there, of course, to learn German: that was the express purpose of the trip. But I also had felt a need to go there to find out whether Germans were a different kind of people.

How Nelson Mandela Won Over the Jewish Community

Abraham H. Foxman

Nelson Mandela will always be remembered as a symbol of courageous resistance to the racist policies of apartheid South Africa. He was a true hero of conscience. But he also will always have a special place in the memory of the Jewish community.

I first met