Jewish Music

How the Power of Liturgical Music Can Lift Our Souls

Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy

In a d’var Torah he gave on Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayeilech several years ago, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, emeritus chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth, had this to say:

Judaism is a religion of words, and yet whenever the language of Judaism aspires to the spiritual it breaks into song, as if the words themselves sought escape from the gravitational pull of finite meanings. There is something about music that intimates a reality beyond our grasp. Words are the language of the mind. Music is the language of the soul….The Torah is God’s libretto, and we, the Jewish people, are God’s choir, the performers of God’s choral symphony.Indeed, it is our choirs and the music they generate that help create many of our most uplifting and highly spiritual moments.

The Best Hanukkah Parody Songs of the Year

Kate Bigam Kaput

It’s that time of the year again – time for Hanukkah parody videos! We’ve gathered a few of the best new debuts from across the web. Leave us a comment and let us know: What’s your favorite?

  1. “Shalom”
    The most popular song of the year is always the most