Ritual Objects

My Father’s Tallit

Ilene S. Goldman
As a child snoop, I was well acquainted with the contents of my parents’ dresser drawers. This came in handy often, like the night before a trip when my mom panicked because she couldn’t find her passport.

Make Your Own Havdalah Kit

Michaela Rollins
The beautiful ritual of Havdalah is the ceremony marking the end of Shabbat. Learn more about Havdalah rituals then create your own ritual items to observe Havdalah on your own, the perfect activity to enjoy with your family.

Torah Cannot be Torah Without Us

Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Torah cannot be Torah without us; it needs us. Therefore, we must read it, we must study it, we must discuss it and debate it. We must carry it. We must dance among its verses, discovering ourselves in its chapters.

How to Get into the High Holidays State of Mind

Rabbi Julie Zupan
It's a challenge and necessity, especially during this pandemic, to set boundaries between work time and family or personal time, between home office and home. How do we do that, emotionally?