Shaboom! Video Activity Guides

Teaching Children about Asking Forgiveness (Slicha)

Spilled cereal? “Sorry!” Broken bongos? “Oops!” Overturned plant? “Sorry!” Stolen comic book? Accusations fly and tears fall as the cloud playhouse and Plony home confront the chaos of careless apologies and misplaced blame. A laser beam trap and giant basketball magically help Rafi and Ben learn that sometimes just saying sorry isn’t enough.

Teaching Children about Peace in the Home (Shalom Bayit)

Ben and Lila fight over their favorite bath towel, cup and everything else. Papa Plony is so distracted by playing his banjo that he forgot to make the challah that he promised Mama. Even Gabi and Rafi argue over who gets to practice what on their small cloud. We’ve all been there. Fortunately, some howling monkeys join the chaos to help teach about compromise and taking turns.

Teaching Children about Courage (Ometz Lev)

Scaredy spark Gabi must cross a narrow bridge to play on the beckoning bouncy cloud. During the family campout in a stormy back yard, Mama Plony confronts a clanky robot from outer space. They both learn that “Courage isn’t about not being afraid. It's about doing things even though we’re afraid.”