Tikkun Olam

4 Lessons We Can Learn from Civil Rights Hero John Lewis

I once had the opportunity, the privilege, the honor, to Rep. Lewis, face to face, exactly why he was my hero. Now, in honor of one of the most remarkable, most American, lives ever lived, I want to suggest four key lessons (among hundreds) that we can all learn from John Lewis’ life and work.

At a Good Hour: Awaiting a Grandchild in 2020

Margie Bogdanow

And at this moment, in the midst of the pandemic, we are witnessing a time of reckoning for the racial divide that has torn our society apart for so long. What does it mean to bring a baby into a world in desperate need of r’fuah sh’leimah, the full healing of body, heart, and soul?

"We Can't Give Up on the Heart of Our Democracy"

Rabbi Joshua Caruso

Scores of organizations mobilized in 2018 to enact a new iteration of Dr. King’s 1968 campaign for the poor. It is called The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, and I am proud that our Reform Jewish community is a partner in this important campaign.