Posts Tagged Torah Commentary

Encountering the Plague in our Midst

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Parashat M'tzora serves as a call to action. This week, we read about infections the Israelites faced, as well as how they were to address them.

Strong Voices

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Over the past weeks and months, we've witnessed a horrific rise of antisemitism that leaves us feeling vulnerable and afraid. We're hyper focused on the use of words, often weapons of hate. Parashat Tazria reminds us to be deliberate with our words and ensure they are used with care.

Drawing Too Close?

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Often, we are unaware of and surprised by social norms - the "dos and don'ts." We simply conform, but it can be meaningful to reflect on these practices and potentially innovate with care. Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu, learn this lesson the hard way in Parashat Sh'mini.

Who’s Afraid of the Dark?

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

Parashat Tzav speaks to the historic nature of light and fire as a source of solace. In the Torah, this is a physical flame; the experience is intended to offer thanks or atonement, in other words, to connect with the Eternal from a place of humility. In modernity, this burning flame takes on both physical and spiritual forms.

Vayikra – Setting the Scene

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

As we begin Vayikra, The Book of Leviticus, we say goodbye to the Biblical stories that we may be more familiar with. The foundational narratives of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, and Joseph and his siblings have passed. In Vayikra, the Israelites are well on their way to the Promised Land.

The Controversial Leadership of Heroes

D'Var Torah By: Tema Smith

In this week’s parashah, we find the newly freed Israelites on their way out of Egypt. This parashah shows the beginnings of a communal dynamic. These people are unafraid to challenge their leaders and demand evidence that the path they are taking will lead them to a better place.

How Change Becomes Possible

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Kari Tuling

In this week's portion, Vayechi, there is still a current of mistrust among Joseph and his brothers. The brothers appear before Joseph and beg for their lives, offering to become Joseph's slaves.

Seeking Forgiveness

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Kari Tuling

Over the past two and a half years, the Reform Movement has been engaged in a process of reconciliation following revelations of abuse. I am one of the people who was harmed. I have gained strength over these years from reading this week's portion, Vayigash, as it teaches that reconciliation is always possible.

Learning to Speak Up

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Kari Tuling

In this week's portion, Mikeitz, Joseph's life takes a turn for the better: not only do his external circumstances improve, he also starts to speak up for himself and begins to heal emotionally from the abuse he has experienced.