Rabbi Robert Orkand

Rabbi Robert Orkand, who retired from the pulpit rabbinate in 2013, lives in the Boston area. He is a past chair of ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America.

Israeli Soul-Searching Atop a Military Outpost in Lebanon

Rabbi Robert Orkand

Matti Friedman was conscripted into the Israeli Defense Forces at 20 and sent to a border outpost in Lebanon called Pumpkin Hill, which he describes as “a forgotten little corner of a forgotten little war.” Israeli casualties of Hezbollah guerilla attacks were code-named “flowers,” hence the title of his new book, Pumpkinflowers A Soldier’s Story.

Is Religion Blind to Its Own Flaws?

Rabbi Robert Orkand

Hardly a week goes by without news of religious extremists committing atrocities against people of other faiths in the name of God or some other holy cause. As a result, “religion” itself has been put on trial. Is religion to blame for the moral failures of the world, as some charge, or is it humankind’s best hope for peace?

First They Came for the Books

Rabbi Robert Orkand

In his fascinating and eminently readable new book, Stolen Words: The Nazi Plunder of Jewish Books, Rabbi Mark Glickman reminds us that Jews have always relied on books as essential sinews, binding Jews to God, to each other, and to the rest of humanity, regardless of time or space.

The Good Book: Writers Reflect on Favorite Bible Passages

Rabbi Robert Orkand

The Bible continues to be the best-selling book in history, perhaps because each reader can identify with some aspect of its ancient text. It is this notion that informs the essays of the 24 novelists, poets, scholars, and journalists who answered the call to write about a Biblical book or passage with personal meaning to them.